Monday, November 10, 2008


I like mondays because I only have one class but today has been a shit show. I didn't have anything to show for view camera, someone stole my UB card and spent the $20 I had left on it which sucks since its gonna cost me that much to get a new card. I have a book design project due tomorrow and i'm going to end up being up all night. I spent the whole weekend sleeping which I needed to do but I lost a lot of time where I should have been out shooting. At least I have gone running all but one day the last week and thats definitely a good feeling. I also got my job back at Target... first day being black friday... fantastic, at least I won't be poor anymore.
I can't believe there are only four weeks left in this semester. I will be glad to be done with school work but it scares me that I'm that much closer to graduating, it only took me an extra year. I'm finally really starting to appreciate photography so it will be nice to actually do stuff that I want to do instead of always thinking about school projects. I wish I had learned more technical stuff here though. Its all about the conceptual points and now I'm great at coming up with concepts but I have little technical knowledge and its really been my goal recently to learn everything I can. I've been super frustrated with things lately and find myself being lazy and not wanting to work on stuff just because I feel like I don't know anything, I need to stop that and I will. I need to stop worrying about the things that don't matter and really just focus on what I care about most right now which is photo.
I'm also going to Boston this weekend to visit my sister, I can't wait. Four days to shoot different surrounding will be a good change and I miss her so it will be fun to catch up. The little sister is sleeping over and hanging out at school with me tomorrow. It will be interesting to see what she thinks of this, since according to her she wants to go to school for photo as well.
Blah, if anyone catches the stealer of my UB card kick them for me. Thanks.

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