Sunday, March 29, 2009


I'm going to Maine on Thursday for a job interview, which means I might be moving to Maine. A concept I still don't believe is real. My parents sold the house I grew up in and they are closing on it on June 1. I love that house. I'm graduating on May 10. I don't know how to feel about any of this stuff. I want to grow up and move on and experience new things. However, I love school I love my friends, I love everything about what is going on in my life right now and it just makes it so much harder to accept these inevitable changes. If I don't get the Maine job I still get to lifeguard at NF for another summer, which I want to do and I also get to move in with two of my best friends. I just want time to slow down for a little while so I can think about stuff. The weeks are flying by. I can't believe there is only a month of school left. There are so many things I want/need to do in the next few weeks. I don't know what else to write.

1 comment:

Lulu said...

Oh Sammy.
Good luck. I'm excited for your maybe adventure.